Monday, July 18, 2011

Animation Week 1 Description

My film is a parody in itself. It is a simple little story on Napoleon and Winston Churchill discussing their history but only having a limited time to do so. I decided to do this blog because it would introduce the audience to two historical figures, and give them the intention that what they will say is very important, only to fake them out with a lack of time within the story. I also gave them a small joke about them having nothing to do.

Ever since I became interested in film, one of my favorite genres was comedy and sometimes my favorite style was dry humor and sarcasm. This gave me a great opportunity to experiment. I decided to us Napoleon and Winston because of their popularity in historical culture. When you present someone with a character of high importance, and you display a parody out of their image and significance, it happen to be quite hilarious.

The basic story is both Napoleon and Winston are in London to discuss an educational story behind their life, but what we get is the fact that they are running out of time, and only have a few seconds to explain something, so the two decide to give up and go have a drink of coffee. It is also quite significant because the two historical figures were known for doing completely opposite achievements. One was a conquering emperor, and the other was a prime minister who defended his country from invasion.

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