Monday, July 25, 2011

Week 3 EOC: Where are you and where are you going?

Right now, I'm in class looking forward to my graduation. I am looking forward to working in a studio. Right now at this moment I see myself in a period of waiting. I still have no true idea as to where I'm going, and I know that most students at this point in their life are feeling the same thing. I can see my future, but I still don't see the path I will take. When it comes to planning your future, you can make many steps and prepare a long drawn out map to where your going, but you still will not know if it is the right path. Opportunities come by us at every turn and there are always obstacles to our destination. We have no idea if one path is right or wrong, but we learn through experience. I believe I am heading down a right path. I know what I doing at this moment, I care a lot about getting there. I can see the problems in my sight, and I plan ahead for future projects and assignments. I dream of a day where I am walking out of a nice house and looking at the collection of films I have made from a long career and all the success I have gained from them, but It is a reality that will not come if I lose sight of my goals and stop dead in my tracks. Today I am writing a blog as a part of a weekly assignment, but this blog could easily become more then just a simple project. Right now, it can be the very first step to a life story, or a plan to mapping out my career. If I were to be more blunt with this question I would have to say that right now I am in Vegas planning my future, but I will soon be going to Hollywood, to make it all a reality.

Photo Challenge: WEEK 2 working photo

Here I am showing off some of my editing and graphic skills. One great passion behind my work is putting it all together. It is very hard to believe, but 2 years ago I never wanted anything to do with editing, but after finding it less physically demanding then camera and lighting it has quite grown on me. This photo shows me keying in a green screen effect with after effects. I also know how to key with Avid, Final Cut, and Premiere Pro, but After Effects works so much better, and keys the image much cleaner.

I believe my first major job in the industry will probably be an editing job. I already have an internship in editing for Glen Brook Studios. As much as I now like editing, and I have earned a lot of experience in the last three years, I don't see myself in a permanent job editing. I still have a goal in mind and I hope to keep it. Editing is fun, but I look forward to directing as well as writing my own screenplays.

Monday, July 18, 2011

Week 2 EOC Where would you go for Copyright Law?

After searching the web, I have discovered various websites on the internet that would educate and introduce you to copyright law. My first website was this site gave me detailed information on copyright law in the form of PDF documents and texts. It taught me a lot about the copyright laws and the process on which the court handles each situation regarding the law in court.

Another Website was labeled, this was a website that offered information on lawyers who could deal with copyright cases and it gave out an organized list of lawyers, their locations, and what type of property and copyright law they deal with such as internet, film, and literary property. This website is important because it can be used for those seeking a lawyer if their work is stolen or if they are being sued for property theft.

Finally another interesting website is This site gave me an introduction to the history of the copyright law and why it became so important to the careers of others. It explains the first laws that were made to the current changes and added laws today. It explains it's origins, the people who made these laws possible, and those who either supported or were against it. It is a great site to find information behind these laws and learn on what prompted the creation of these laws.

Napoleon and Winston Week 1 Film Festival Movie

Animation Week 1 Description

My film is a parody in itself. It is a simple little story on Napoleon and Winston Churchill discussing their history but only having a limited time to do so. I decided to do this blog because it would introduce the audience to two historical figures, and give them the intention that what they will say is very important, only to fake them out with a lack of time within the story. I also gave them a small joke about them having nothing to do.

Ever since I became interested in film, one of my favorite genres was comedy and sometimes my favorite style was dry humor and sarcasm. This gave me a great opportunity to experiment. I decided to us Napoleon and Winston because of their popularity in historical culture. When you present someone with a character of high importance, and you display a parody out of their image and significance, it happen to be quite hilarious.

The basic story is both Napoleon and Winston are in London to discuss an educational story behind their life, but what we get is the fact that they are running out of time, and only have a few seconds to explain something, so the two decide to give up and go have a drink of coffee. It is also quite significant because the two historical figures were known for doing completely opposite achievements. One was a conquering emperor, and the other was a prime minister who defended his country from invasion.

Monday, July 11, 2011

Week 1 EOC: What sacrifices are you will to make for your career?

     When it comes to a career, I understand that I have to make many sacrifices in order to get ahead. Sacrifices are hard to make, but in the long run they can be extremely beneficial to what you do. They also teach new lessons from your profession and give you the chance to make better judgments. Sometimes sacrifices will get you on top, but there are choices in life that have no definitive answer and no possible sight of a decent future. Some can confuse and leave you wondering where it will take you and others would bring you straight to a dead end.

     I see myself as a driver going down a highway with many stops, delays, and forks. If I exit off one ramp it will take me to a place I might enjoy, but there could be a chance I will never go back on that road. If I continue driving down that road, I may be passing up so many interesting places, and I may not like where the road would truly end, and if that is true, then I have gone through so much and made so many sacrifices for nothing. I will never know where the road takes me and, intellectually, I will never know the right from wrong choice.  

     As we go about our lives we tend to survive not just on knowledge and common sense, but also on guesses and gut feelings. I believe that when it comes to making sacrifices within my professional life, I would have to simply go with my gut when intellect and common sense doesn’t work. As a person who enjoys filmmaking I would make the sacrifices necessary to reach my goals, but I would never accept anything that would endanger my health or future. Because even though there are many opportunities in life, there is only one me.

Week 1: BOC Will you be living in Vegas after 5 years?

      I believe I will still be living in Las Vegas 5 years from now, unless I am given a job that requires me to move. This looks unlikely, since I have only recently brushed the surface of meeting professionals here in Vegas. I think somewhere at the end of this decade I see myself in another city. It would probably be Los Angeles because that is the place to go for filmmaking. I have meet several people here in Vegas who have been everywhere, but it will be a while until I go to the places they have been to.